The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Trivia

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air trivia with 133 available questions. Each new game questions are randomized to make sure every game is unique!

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
133 Available questions

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Which actor played Philip Banks?

Who plays the Fresh Prince?

What actor performed the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" theme song?

What did Will and Ashley trade her violin for at the pawn shop?

In the episode "The Mother of all Battles," Ashley has a bully at school. Whats the bully's name?

When Carlton is creating his dating video, he uses what type of accent on his second try?

Who does Uncle Phil say his clients compare him to?

In the very first episode, "The Fresh Prince Project", who does Will confuse Geoffrey with?

How long had the cast been working together when this episode aired?

Finish the quote. Phil: "Hi Ashley youre looking awfully pretty today." "You think I'm still being too hard on her?" Will: "Man you ain't nothing but ________________".

Which famous DJ plays Wills best friend Jazz?

What beautiful actress guest starred as Jazzs seemingly controlling yet surprisingly docile sister?

In one episode Will was trapped in a basement with his girlfriend Kathleen. Little did Will know, a lot of her was fake. What was the first thing he found that was fake?

What is the name of Wills friend that had a major crush on Hilary?

How many kids did Uncle Phil have by the end of the series?

What was the first line in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" theme song?

In the episode "Not With My Pig You Dont," what was the reason for Philip's parents visiting the family?

In the episode "Hi-Ho Silver", Sonya was portrayed by a famous actress. Who was this?

What did Jazz get his hair cut as for Halloween?

What James Brown song is playing on the radio?

When talking to Ashley, Phillip, and Vivian, what does Will say their house is better than?

Will visited James Avery, who played Uncle Phil, in his dressing room. What was the number on the door?

In the episode "I, Done," what present does Jazz give Uncle Phil?

What R&B artist guest starred as Little T, a teen idol who goes on a date with Ashley?

What very young actress appeared on the show as the daughter of Wills mother, Vy's boyfriend, Robert?

Finish this line of the beginning theme song: "...I got in one little _________..."

Where were Will and Carlton going when they were arrested?

Who was the cab driver in the opening credits?

In "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" theme song, where did the Fresh Prince say he was born and raised?

Philips law partner Henry Furth asked Carlton to drive his Mercedes to the law firm's retreat in what city?

What type of flowers did Thad send Ashley?

Which is not a number worn by a player during practice?

When we first hear Will in the episode "Bang The Drum Ashley", what song is he singing?

Will comments that the dressing rooms were set up to match their personality. What two posters were found in his room?

One of my favorite episodes is "Clubba Hubba". In this episode Will tries to impress a girl named Mimi Mumford. He acts as if he is a young Republican from which state?

Vanessa L. Williams portrayed a pregnant sportswriter who took Will to a Lakers game and went into labor in the limousine. What was her characters name?

Who did Daphne Maxwell Reid play in the show?

What character does Karyn Parsons play on the show?

When Will went to a frat party, who did he find in a bedroom with a college linebacker?

Who played the role of Wills girlfriend, Lisa?

In "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" theme song, where did the Fresh Prince say he spent most of his days?

What was the secret Will used to blackmail Hilary after she got him grounded for a month?

In this episode Will, Carlton and Uncle Phil are going camping. When Will and Carlton go to get money, Will gets shot and heads to the hospital. What episode am I describing?

What is the name of the juror Phil dismissed?

What number is Cornflake?

On Ashleys activity calendar, what activity does she have on Thursday?

Where did Will find Alfonso Ribeiro?

What professional boxers appeared on the show?

Karen Malina White guest stars as Jewel in the episodes "Mothers Day" and "The Ol' Ball and Chain." Whose girlfriend was Jewel?

Who was the actor who played Ashleys potential "first"?

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